Navigating the Permanent Makeup industry is a tough task for both customer & artist. I hope through my permanent makeup Blogs I can assist fellow PMU artists by sharing my experiences and personal growth, whilst educating consumers with useful information about permanent makeup & microblading.

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Answers To Common Concerns About Permanent Makeup & Microblading for Eyebrows?

August 16, 20235 min read

Tired of drawing your brows on every day, yet scared to change?

Are you intrigued by the idea of microblading or permanent eyebrow makeup, but hesitant to take the plunge due to concerns about the outcome?

If so, this post is just for you!

It is natural to lose eyebrow hairs with age due to the natural decline of testosterone (in men) and estrogen (in women) and add to that, many of us also spent our younger years over-plucking leaving us with almost no brow hairs or shape to our eyebrows.

For many women, drawing on their eyebrows each day is the most time-consuming part of their morning routine, only to have them smudge or disappear later in the day, especially during the hotter months or after a workout.

Most Common Reasons for Delaying Eyebrow Procedures

Here are the top reasons people give for putting off having their brows done with permanent makeup or microblading:

  1. Lack of knowledge about the procedure

  2. Seeing brows that look great on a friend, but feeling unsure if they would suit them personally

  3. Fear of not liking the final result and being unable to change it.

  4. Cost

If you identify with any of these, please continue reading.....

The Procedure & Which Technique Is Right For You?

It can be challenging to determine which technique is best suited for you with numerous methods being advertised. Each approach has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and it's our responsibility as experienced technicians to assist you in navigating the process.

Some factors we need to consider when making a decision on the right technique, include your skin type, age, environmental factors and your personal preference. At the beginning of your appointment we will have a full consultation to ensure you get the right technique and results you are looking for.

You can read more about the different techniques in our Blog: What's the difference between Microblading & Nano/Hairstroke Brow.

What If You Are Unhappy With The Results?

For all techniques, both the colour and shape are developed over two sessions. It's common for the area to appear too light or not thick enough once the first session has healed. This is done intentionally, allowing us to adjust the colour as needed, alter or thicken the shape, and ultimately create a soft and natural appearance that does not look like it has been tattooed on.

During your appointment we take the time to measure and outline the specific area we will be working on as it is important to us that you're involved in this process and have the opportunity to approve the area before we proceed.

Our clients have always been satisfied with the results and although it is called "Permanent Makeup", it is important to note that the pigments and techniques used are designed for a soft, natural fade over time, so your brows will require a yearly or 2 year refresh to maintain their best look.

How Long Does It Last?

Depending on the technique used, the colour can last anywhere from 1-3 years but you will want to have regular refresh appointments to keep your brows looking great.

Powder Brow technique typically lasts longer and will fade softly over time. In comparison, the initial crips & distinct hair stroke effect in microblading only lasts about 3 months and then will begin to soften to more of a shading effect. Various factors can determine how long the pigment will last – such as the amount and colour of the pigment implanted, the client’s skin-type & age plus other environmental factors.

How Painful Is The Procedure?

Although I would never say its painless to everyone, most clients do not feel a thing. The anaesthetics we use work great and the techniques we offer do not create too much trauma to the skin. We took inspiration from the past and now adopt a more gentle approach with updated techniques.

With a special numbing technique developed by Stephanie during her years in practice, you will be quite comfortable throughout the whole procedure.

How Much Does It Cost?

While it may seem pricey, the long-term investment of daily maintenance and the luxury of having consistently great eyebrows, even after swimming, are worth it. On average, expect to pay between $400-$800CAD. Our NEW EYEBROWS are $595.00 including your 6 week follow up and that can be paid over the 2 sessions.($450.00CAD at the first session & $145.00CAD at your follow up).

As a customer of ours, your refresh appointments will always be at a VIP pricing.

A Few Things To keep In Mind...

After the appointment, you will notice that your brows appear darker and more defined. While some clients might find this slightly worrying, the final results will be visible in just a few days.

During the first week of healing the area will appear dry and a little flakey and it will seem as though you are losing a lot of the colour. This is normal, and we will give you an aftercare instructions plus a balm to use on the area to help you feel comfortable during this time.

Although the area may appear to have healed after 7-10 days, it typically takes 4-6 weeks for the skin to fully recover and allow the final colour to set in. For this reason, we schedule the follow-up appointment no earlier than 6 weeks after the initial treatment.

What Is Holding You Back?

I hope by now I have answered many of your questions and concerns, but I also understand it is common for people to feel hesitant or uncertain when considering a new service or product.

If you're still unsure about whether to move forward with your eyebrow service, I encourage you to reach out. We are here to help answer any remaining questions you may have and guide you through the process.

- Stephanie Wilson

Don't wait until later to take action - start today and see the positive impact it can have on your life.


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Stephanie Wilson

Certified Trainer and PMU Artist with 20+ years in the PMU Industry. Designated Trainer Member with Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals (SPCP).

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