Navigating the Permanent Makeup industry is a tough task for both customer & artist. I hope through my permanent makeup Blogs I can assist fellow PMU artists by sharing my experiences and personal growth, whilst educating consumers with useful information about permanent makeup & microblading.

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The Secret to Flawless Permanent Makeup Eyebrows on Mature Skin

September 13, 20234 min read

As we age, our eyebrows can become thinner and sparser. But don't worry, Permanent Makeup (PMU) for Eyebrows is a fantastic solution for aging brows. In this post, I will discuss why PMU for eyebrows is a great option for maintaining beautiful, youthful-looking brows no matter your age, & which technique offers the best outcome for mature skin.

What is Eyebrow Permanent Makeup (PMU)?

Eyebrow PMU is a permanent cosmetic tattoo that enhances the natural look of your eyebrows, giving them a fuller, more defined appearance. The techniques involve depositing pigment into the skin using either a handheld tool or small tattoo machine with tiny needles. The pigments used are specially formulated to match the natural colour of your eyebrows, ensuring a seamless and natural-looking result.

If you are considering eyebrow PMU, you may be wondering how this process works. In the next section, I will discuss everything you need to know about the procedure, from the consultation to the aftercare.

How Does Eyebrow PMU Work?

Eyebrow PMU can be performed using a variety of techniques that all involve depositing pigment into the skin. Some techniques will create a hairlike pattern while others will offer a subtle, powder like filled effect.

When done correctly, the results can be soft, subtle and long-lasting. The process usually begins with a consultation, where the technician will do a full skin assessment and discuss your desired outcome and natural brow shape to determine the best technique for your brows.

The pigments used in eyebrow PMU are specially formulated to appear soft & fade out over time. This ensures that the final result is seamless and natural-looking. The technician will take their time to carefully choose a pigment shade that will heal correctly with your skin tone and colour, ensuring that the final result looks as natural as possible.

After the procedure is complete, you may experience some redness in the treated area and the colour will appear distinct and darker than its healed appearance. This is normal and should go away within a few days. You will also be given aftercare instructions to ensure that your eyebrows heal properly and look their best. You can take a look at our eyebrow aftercare instructions HERE

Overall, eyebrow PMU is a safe and effective way to enhance your eyebrows. It is a great solution for those who want to achieve a fuller, more defined look without the hassle of daily makeup application.

There different techniques for PMU eyebrows, but not all of them are suitable for mature skin. I typically suggest powder brows for my mature skin clients and in the next section, I will discuss the benefits of eyebrow PMU powder brows compared to Microblading for mature skin.

Benefits of Powder Brows v Microblading For Mature Skin

While microblading is a popular technique and more mainstream than powder brow, there are several benefits to choosing the latter for mature skin clients. One of the biggest advantages Powder Brow offers is a gentle approach to tattooing and a more natural-looking result. Microblading can sometimes appear too dark and defined, and does not heal well on mature skin, while powder brow technique creates a softer, subtle spray of colour that is not harsh or aging. This makes it a great option for mature clients with thin or sparse brows who want a more natural look.

Additionally, powder brow has longevity; while microblading typically last around one year, eyebrow PMU powder brows can last much longer. This means you can enjoy your fuller, more defined eyebrows for a longer period of time before needing a touch-up.

The Powder Brow technique allows for customization in terms of shape and colour. With microblading, you are limited to what colour can be achieved but with powder brow technique you and your technician can work together to determine the best shape and colour for your individual features and preferences.

Overall, while both microblading & powder brows offer a solution for fuller, more defined eyebrows, the latter provides longer lasting results, more customization options, and a more natural appearance for mature skin.

You can find out more about Powder Brow Technique in our BLOG "What Are Powder Brows?".

What's Stopping You?

Are you ready to discover how powder brows can enhance your appearance, giving you a more youthful and revitalized look?


Or Just Want to Find Out More?

BOOK a CONSULTATION with Stephanie.

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Stephanie Wilson

Certified Trainer and PMU Artist with 20+ years in the PMU Industry. Designated Trainer Member with Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals (SPCP).

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